Sunday, August 22, 2010

Is Chanakya AND Vatsayan same person ?

VATSAYAN is famous for writing on SEX . As CHANAKYA wrote on most of subjects like political procedures , on economics.... as writing on SEX was little shabby in those days... so many believed that its Chanakya writing on SEX WITH VATSAYAN penNAME ... TO add to the belief the brahmin gotra is quoted as Vatsayan gotraवात्सयायन गोत्र is prevailing in north and eastern part of India....Many vatsayan gotra brahmin still like to be called chanakyas descends ! feel proud about it ..आचार्य को भी नाम बदल के हर विषय पर लीखने की आदत .... Though on Sex his knowledge was much better then even an expert... the credit for writing on SEX so precisely in book form VATSAYAN MARSHI is the real writer there....

History digging and comparing contemporary clear confusion .Vatsyayan was the Pratisamskrita of the earlier works of Barabhra Muni. Vatsya then redacted the work of Kamasutra. This means that Maharishi Vatsyayan was before Vatsya.Vatsya was also the commentator of Kashyapa samhita which means that time of Vatsyayan was much before Kautilya thus removing the doubts that Chanakya was Vatsyayan himself.
The name of Vatsyayan also appears in the Vedas as the commentator of Gautam sutra of Nyaya darshan and its time is said to be around 400 BC

In writing this blog,, much of discussion suggested article reading is done...

till this final out come.. Chanakya Vatsayan are different

Shri HARIN PATHAK MP, (Ahmedabad running 7 th consecutive term , (FORMER MINISTER OF states in DEFENCE , HOME , Central Government Shri Bajpayee was PM ) has contributed in spite of his busy schedule as he proudly accepts himself as Chanakya's follower and student.!!!!!